
Vous souhaitez créer des présentations percutantes et professionnelles sans perdre des heures à chercher des modèles, des images et des graphiques ? Alors cette formation sur Beautiful AI est faite pour vous ! Avec cette application intuitive, vous pouvez facilement créer des présentations de qualité en quelques minutes seulement, sans avoir besoin de compétences techniques avancées.

Que vais je apprendre dans cette formation ?

Cette formation en ligne sur Beautiful AI vous apprendra à créer des présentations professionnelles et percutantes. Vous apprendrez à utiliser cette application intuitive pour personnaliser des modèles de présentation, ajouter des textes, des images, des graphiques et des vidéos, et utiliser les fonctionnalités de personnalisation pour modifier la mise en forme de votre présentation. Vous apprendrez également à ajouter des transitions et des animations pour ajouter du dynamisme à votre présentation, à structurer votre présentation de manière claire et efficace, et à captiver votre public avec des techniques de présentation efficaces. Cette formation est adaptée aux débutants et ne nécessite pas de connaissances préalables en création de présentations.

Qu'est ce que Beautiful AI ?

Beautiful AI est une application en ligne de création de présentations professionnelles qui propose une approche intuitive et conviviale pour créer des diapositives de haute qualité en quelques minutes. Avec des modèles modernes et des fonctionnalités automatisées, Beautiful AI vous permet de concevoir des présentations de manière efficace, en vous concentrant sur le contenu plutôt que sur la mise en forme. Que vous soyez un professionnel, un étudiant ou un enseignant, Beautiful AI peut vous aider à créer des présentations attrayantes et percutantes pour captiver votre public.


Vous souhaitez créer des présentations percutantes et professionnelles sans perdre des heures à chercher des modèles, des images et des graphiques ? Alors cette formation sur Beautiful AI est faite pour vous ! Avec cette application intuitive, vous pouvez facilement créer des présentations de qualité en quelques minutes seulement, sans avoir besoin de compétences techniques avancées.

Que vais je apprendre dans cette formation ?

Cette formation en ligne sur Beautiful AI vous apprendra à créer des présentations professionnelles et percutantes. Vous apprendrez à utiliser cette application intuitive pour personnaliser des modèles de présentation, ajouter des textes, des images, des graphiques et des vidéos, et utiliser les fonctionnalités de personnalisation pour modifier la mise en forme de votre présentation. Vous apprendrez également à ajouter des transitions et des animations pour ajouter du dynamisme à votre présentation, à structurer votre présentation de manière claire et efficace, et à captiver votre public avec des techniques de présentation efficaces. Cette formation est adaptée aux débutants et ne nécessite pas de connaissances préalables en création de présentations.

Qu'est ce que Beautiful AI ?

Beautiful AI est une application en ligne de création de présentations professionnelles qui propose une approche intuitive et conviviale pour créer des diapositives de haute qualité en quelques minutes. Avec des modèles modernes et des fonctionnalités automatisées, Beautiful AI vous permet de concevoir des présentations de manière efficace, en vous concentrant sur le contenu plutôt que sur la mise en forme. Que vous soyez un professionnel, un étudiant ou un enseignant, Beautiful AI peut vous aider à créer des présentations attrayantes et percutantes pour captiver votre public.


Learn Artificial Intelligence, AI, Chat GPT from Zero in Less Than ONE hour

Are you ready to level up your personal development and office productivity? Well, put on your game face because this beginner's course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and OpenAI's ChatGPT is here to take you to the next level.

Think of ChatGPT as your personal sidekick, except instead of fighting crime, it's fighting boredom and mediocrity. With 21 essential skills to learn, you'll be the ultimate personal development and office productivity superhero.

Personal Development

First, let's talk about personal development. With ChatGPT, you'll learn how to generate ideas and content like a boss, so you'll never be stuck in a creative rut again. And let's face it, no one likes "difficult-to-read" text, but with ChatGPT, you'll learn how to make it as easy as pie, so you can expand your brainpower and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge. And if you ever hit a roadblock, ChatGPT will be there to help you solve problems and find solutions, so you can be the master of your own destiny.

Office Productivity

But it's not just about personal development, oh no no no. Did someone say office productivity?! Yes! In this important area of work life, ChatGPT will also teach you how to generate HTML code like a pro, edit documents like a ninja and even solve business problems like a genius. And that's not all, you'll also learn about the latest and greatest in AI and OpenAI, so you can be the smartest cookie in the jar and in any workspace.

Let's Talk Money

But here's the best part, you don't have to break the bank to learn all these skills. This high-end course is more reasonable than hiring a personal development coach or an AI expert. And let's be real, who wants to spend all that money when you can learn all these skills and have a little fun while you're at it?

So, don't be a tech-party-pooper, add some excitement to your life with this course today. With ChatGPT by your side, you'll be reaching and exceeding your goals in no time and people will be calling you a Personal Development and Office Productivity Hero.

A Brilliant Conclusion

In summary, this course offers you the opportunity to learn 21 essential skills that will help you reach and exceed your goals in both personal development and office productivity. With ChatGPT, you will have access to cutting-edge technology and expert knowledge, allowing you to improve your performance and achieve your goals faster. Don't miss out on this opportunity. Enroll in this course today! Let's gooooo...

A Glance into Our Future

We understand that it can be overwhelming to keep up with the fast-paced advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT, but ignoring these technologies could have serious implications that affect your personal and professional growth. For example...

  1. Economic Disruption: As AI and ChatGPT continue to advance, they will increasingly automate many jobs and tasks, leading to economic disruption. Those who fail to understand and adapt to these technologies risk being left behind in the job market.

  2. Decrease in Productivity: AI and ChatGPT can greatly increase efficiency and productivity in various industries. By ignoring these technologies, companies and organizations may miss out on the potential improvements in efficiency and productivity that they could bring.

  3. Lack of Competitive Edge: As more companies and organizations adopt AI and ChatGPT, those that do not will fall behind in terms of competitiveness.

  4. Ethical and Societal Implications: AI and ChatGPT have the potential to impact society in both positive and negative ways. Ignoring these technologies may result in missing the opportunity to shape the development of these technologies in a way that maximizes the benefits and minimizes the risks for society.

  5. Lack of understanding: As AI and ChatGPT are increasingly integrated into our daily lives, there will be more and more opportunities for people to interact with these technologies. Without understanding how they work and how to interact with them, people will miss out on the benefits that they can bring to their lives.

Overall, the implications of ignoring these technologies are potentially detrimental to society and individuals alike, as they are likely to shape the future in a profound way. It is important to stay informed and educated about them, so that you and your organization can be prepared to adapt and thrive in the new landscape.

*Some aspects of this course were generated by AI from its perspective to provide additional understanding of the concepts presented and to demonstrate AI's abilities to describe itself to us and the world as a whole.


Learn Artificial Intelligence, AI, Chat GPT from Zero in Less Than ONE hour

Are you ready to level up your personal development and office productivity? Well, put on your game face because this beginner's course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and OpenAI's ChatGPT is here to take you to the next level.

Think of ChatGPT as your personal sidekick, except instead of fighting crime, it's fighting boredom and mediocrity. With 21 essential skills to learn, you'll be the ultimate personal development and office productivity superhero.

Personal Development

First, let's talk about personal development. With ChatGPT, you'll learn how to generate ideas and content like a boss, so you'll never be stuck in a creative rut again. And let's face it, no one likes "difficult-to-read" text, but with ChatGPT, you'll learn how to make it as easy as pie, so you can expand your brainpower and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge. And if you ever hit a roadblock, ChatGPT will be there to help you solve problems and find solutions, so you can be the master of your own destiny.

Office Productivity

But it's not just about personal development, oh no no no. Did someone say office productivity?! Yes! In this important area of work life, ChatGPT will also teach you how to generate HTML code like a pro, edit documents like a ninja and even solve business problems like a genius. And that's not all, you'll also learn about the latest and greatest in AI and OpenAI, so you can be the smartest cookie in the jar and in any workspace.

Let's Talk Money

But here's the best part, you don't have to break the bank to learn all these skills. This high-end course is more reasonable than hiring a personal development coach or an AI expert. And let's be real, who wants to spend all that money when you can learn all these skills and have a little fun while you're at it?

So, don't be a tech-party-pooper, add some excitement to your life with this course today. With ChatGPT by your side, you'll be reaching and exceeding your goals in no time and people will be calling you a Personal Development and Office Productivity Hero.

A Brilliant Conclusion

In summary, this course offers you the opportunity to learn 21 essential skills that will help you reach and exceed your goals in both personal development and office productivity. With ChatGPT, you will have access to cutting-edge technology and expert knowledge, allowing you to improve your performance and achieve your goals faster. Don't miss out on this opportunity. Enroll in this course today! Let's gooooo...

A Glance into Our Future

We understand that it can be overwhelming to keep up with the fast-paced advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT, but ignoring these technologies could have serious implications that affect your personal and professional growth. For example...

  1. Economic Disruption: As AI and ChatGPT continue to advance, they will increasingly automate many jobs and tasks, leading to economic disruption. Those who fail to understand and adapt to these technologies risk being left behind in the job market.

  2. Decrease in Productivity: AI and ChatGPT can greatly increase efficiency and productivity in various industries. By ignoring these technologies, companies and organizations may miss out on the potential improvements in efficiency and productivity that they could bring.

  3. Lack of Competitive Edge: As more companies and organizations adopt AI and ChatGPT, those that do not will fall behind in terms of competitiveness.

  4. Ethical and Societal Implications: AI and ChatGPT have the potential to impact society in both positive and negative ways. Ignoring these technologies may result in missing the opportunity to shape the development of these technologies in a way that maximizes the benefits and minimizes the risks for society.

  5. Lack of understanding: As AI and ChatGPT are increasingly integrated into our daily lives, there will be more and more opportunities for people to interact with these technologies. Without understanding how they work and how to interact with them, people will miss out on the benefits that they can bring to their lives.

Overall, the implications of ignoring these technologies are potentially detrimental to society and individuals alike, as they are likely to shape the future in a profound way. It is important to stay informed and educated about them, so that you and your organization can be prepared to adapt and thrive in the new landscape.

*Some aspects of this course were generated by AI from its perspective to provide additional understanding of the concepts presented and to demonstrate AI's abilities to describe itself to us and the world as a whole.

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Are you ready to unleash the power of language generation? Are you ready to unleash the power of language generation? In this course, we will be diving into the world of ChatGPT and discovering its endless possibilities. From using the model to generate personalized customer interactions for chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational interfaces. Generating product descriptions, marketing copy, or other types of business-related text. Summarizing and analyzing large amounts of customer data or other business-related information. Beginners and students who have a general interest in machine learning and natural language processing and want to learn more about the latest techniques and technologies in the field. Entrepreneurs and developers who want to create new products and services using ChatGPT. This course is a beginner level course that would give students a basic understanding of how to access and use ChatGPT in their projects. You will learn how to train the model and fine-tune it to your specific use case, as well as how to integrate it with other tools and technologies. You will also learn about the ethical and legal considerations when using language generation models and best practices for responsible use. Join us and be part of the future of language generation, where the possibilities are endless.

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Are you ready to unleash the power of language generation? Are you ready to unleash the power of language generation? In this course, we will be diving into the world of ChatGPT and discovering its endless possibilities. From using the model to generate personalized customer interactions for chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational interfaces. Generating product descriptions, marketing copy, or other types of business-related text. Summarizing and analyzing large amounts of customer data or other business-related information. Beginners and students who have a general interest in machine learning and natural language processing and want to learn more about the latest techniques and technologies in the field. Entrepreneurs and developers who want to create new products and services using ChatGPT. This course is a beginner level course that would give students a basic understanding of how to access and use ChatGPT in their projects. You will learn how to train the model and fine-tune it to your specific use case, as well as how to integrate it with other tools and technologies. You will also learn about the ethical and legal considerations when using language generation models and best practices for responsible use. Join us and be part of the future of language generation, where the possibilities are endless.

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This course is designed for individuals looking to boost their productivity using GPT-3 technology. The course will guide you through the process of creating virtual assistants for email management, meeting scheduling, and time management. You will learn how to identify specific use cases, connect to the GPT-3 API, train and fine-tune the model, integrate it with various platforms, and test and evaluate the performance of your virtual assistants. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to create your own GPT-3 powered virtual assistants that can automate and optimize your daily tasks. No prior programming experience is required to take this course.

he primary topic taught in this course is the use of GPT-3 technology to create virtual assistants for email management, meeting scheduling, and time management. The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Understanding GPT-3: The course will provide a brief overview of GPT-3, including its history, development, and the current state of the technology.

  2. Identifying specific use cases: The course will discuss the specific use cases for building an email assistant, meeting scheduler, and time management chatbot, including the types of tasks it should be able to perform and the desired level of productivity improvement.

  3. Connecting to the GPT-3 API: The course will introduce how to connect and use the GPT-3 API, including examples and resources.

  4. Training and fine-tuning the model: The course will guide students on how to train and fine-tune the GPT-3 model to perform the specific tasks for the email assistant, meeting scheduler, and time management chatbot.

  5. Integrating GPT-3 into platforms: The course will cover how to integrate the trained model into various platforms such as email clients and calendar platforms.

  6. Testing and evaluating the performance: The course will cover how to test and evaluate the performance of the virtual assistants.

Throughout the course, students will learn how to create GPT-3 powered virtual assistants to improve their productivity and automate their daily tasks.

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This course is designed for individuals looking to boost their productivity using GPT-3 technology. The course will guide you through the process of creating virtual assistants for email management, meeting scheduling, and time management. You will learn how to identify specific use cases, connect to the GPT-3 API, train and fine-tune the model, integrate it with various platforms, and test and evaluate the performance of your virtual assistants. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to create your own GPT-3 powered virtual assistants that can automate and optimize your daily tasks. No prior programming experience is required to take this course.

he primary topic taught in this course is the use of GPT-3 technology to create virtual assistants for email management, meeting scheduling, and time management. The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Understanding GPT-3: The course will provide a brief overview of GPT-3, including its history, development, and the current state of the technology.

  2. Identifying specific use cases: The course will discuss the specific use cases for building an email assistant, meeting scheduler, and time management chatbot, including the types of tasks it should be able to perform and the desired level of productivity improvement.

  3. Connecting to the GPT-3 API: The course will introduce how to connect and use the GPT-3 API, including examples and resources.

  4. Training and fine-tuning the model: The course will guide students on how to train and fine-tune the GPT-3 model to perform the specific tasks for the email assistant, meeting scheduler, and time management chatbot.

  5. Integrating GPT-3 into platforms: The course will cover how to integrate the trained model into various platforms such as email clients and calendar platforms.

  6. Testing and evaluating the performance: The course will cover how to test and evaluate the performance of the virtual assistants.

Throughout the course, students will learn how to create GPT-3 powered virtual assistants to improve their productivity and automate their daily tasks.


Welcome to our course on ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI.

In this course you will learn powerful smart tips to improve your ChatGPT prompts, which is the key to unlocking the power of ChatGPT. Plus we teach you the background of ChatGPT, its development, ethics, applications and future. You've seen how ChatGPT works now learn more insights about how it was developed and what's next for large language models and AI.

The field of AI is rapidly evolving, and ChatGPT is at the forefront of this development. As more and more industries begin to adopt AI technology, it's important for professionals to understand how to use and integrate these tools into their workflows. This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT, its capabilities, and how to use it to improve productivity and efficiency in various industries.

Throughout the course, we will cover the background and development of ChatGPT, its human-like capabilities and computational superpowers, key features and how to get started, and practical applications in flowgpt, youtube summary, chatgpt writer, and linking with WhatsApp. We will also delve into the importance of ethical considerations in AI development and how ChatGPT's ethical use can lead to better human-computer interactions.

You'll learn about different versions of ChatGPT, how it will continue to evolve and improve in the future, and how to use advanced features to improve productivity and efficiency. Additionally, we'll explore the future of large language models like ChatGPT, and how it will continue to disrupt various industries and change the way we work.

In addition to the lessons, you will also receive a full workbook for the course, which consists of all the 1-page worksheets for each individual lesson, and which are also available with each lesson. These worksheets will help you to take notes and organize your thoughts as you move through the course.

What sets this course apart from others on the market is its comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the topic. You will not only learn about the technical aspects of ChatGPT, but also its practical applications and ethical considerations. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of how to use ChatGPT to improve productivity and efficiency in various industries, and how to navigate the ethical considerations of AI development.

So, if you're ready to take your understanding of AI to the next level and learn how to use ChatGPT to improve your workflow, then this course is for you.

Enrol now and let's get started on this exciting journey!


Welcome to our course on ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI.

In this course you will learn powerful smart tips to improve your ChatGPT prompts, which is the key to unlocking the power of ChatGPT. Plus we teach you the background of ChatGPT, its development, ethics, applications and future. You've seen how ChatGPT works now learn more insights about how it was developed and what's next for large language models and AI.

The field of AI is rapidly evolving, and ChatGPT is at the forefront of this development. As more and more industries begin to adopt AI technology, it's important for professionals to understand how to use and integrate these tools into their workflows. This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT, its capabilities, and how to use it to improve productivity and efficiency in various industries.

Throughout the course, we will cover the background and development of ChatGPT, its human-like capabilities and computational superpowers, key features and how to get started, and practical applications in flowgpt, youtube summary, chatgpt writer, and linking with WhatsApp. We will also delve into the importance of ethical considerations in AI development and how ChatGPT's ethical use can lead to better human-computer interactions.

You'll learn about different versions of ChatGPT, how it will continue to evolve and improve in the future, and how to use advanced features to improve productivity and efficiency. Additionally, we'll explore the future of large language models like ChatGPT, and how it will continue to disrupt various industries and change the way we work.

In addition to the lessons, you will also receive a full workbook for the course, which consists of all the 1-page worksheets for each individual lesson, and which are also available with each lesson. These worksheets will help you to take notes and organize your thoughts as you move through the course.

What sets this course apart from others on the market is its comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the topic. You will not only learn about the technical aspects of ChatGPT, but also its practical applications and ethical considerations. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of how to use ChatGPT to improve productivity and efficiency in various industries, and how to navigate the ethical considerations of AI development.

So, if you're ready to take your understanding of AI to the next level and learn how to use ChatGPT to improve your workflow, then this course is for you.

Enrol now and let's get started on this exciting journey!